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Showing posts from July 27, 2008

Not for customers

Not approved for use on customers. Apparently approved for interrogation by US government. Yelling at detainee Deception: multiple interrogators Deception: Interrogator is from country with reputation for harsh treatment of detainees; “False Flag” Incentive or removal of incentive Playing on a detainee’s love for a particular group Playing on a detainee’s hate for a particular group Significantly/ or moderately increasing fear level of detainee Reducing fear level of detainee Boosting the ego of detainee Insulting the ego of detainee, not beyond the limits that would apply to a POW Invoking feelings of .... Rest of the list here

Universal Truth #314

Be secure in the knowledge that all humans have insecurity in common. The two biggest money-making sectors on the internet (porn and self-help) tap into this limitless pool of opportunity. (And any business model that does this, will succeed.)

2 Percent chance of success

Commentators often talk about the ‘2- percenters’ - that is doing those things that are tough, have a low probability of success and yet goes to show an attitude of perseverance and commitment to the small details other people will overlook. (It is often used as a sporting analogy to illustrate the point (for instance) that you still chase down an opponent even if they have already crossed the line because the pressure may just result in a drop ball.) This analogy is misleading because it focuses on the 99 th and 100 th steps in the percentage of effort. True success comes from the 101 st and 102 nd percentage points of effort. Sprint athletes are told to finish ‘through the line’ and martial arts experts will tell you that you get hurt when you stop the momentum of your blow on impact; you must hit through the brick to break it. This is not the proverbial ‘extra mile’ that you must walk – which is merely an optional, nice touch. That would be gesture to differentiate yourself ...