- Yelling at detainee
- Deception: multiple interrogators
- Deception: Interrogator is from country with reputation for harsh treatment of detainees; “False Flag”
- Incentive or removal of incentive
- Playing on a detainee’s love for a particular group
- Playing on a detainee’s hate for a particular group
- Significantly/ or moderately increasing fear level of detainee
- Reducing fear level of detainee
- Boosting the ego of detainee
- Insulting the ego of detainee, not beyond the limits that would apply to a POW
- Invoking feelings of ....
Bruce, I love your music man. It is old-fashioned, but I like it. My favourite song is actually not Born in the USA or the like, but Streets of Philadelphia. Not only is it a nice tune, I really like the message too. But you know, I don’t like how you play your politics. Make no mistake, I don’t MIND your politics and I am sure we can agree on a lot of things – and even in this case I may even agree with your belief. So the point is not where you stand on the issue. But I don’t like the hypocritical way you play it. So you cancel a concert and boycott a state that you disagree with. I am sure you think that it is your way to express your support for people who are getting the short straw. I am sure you see it as your right to play in front of whoever and wherever. But Bruce, can I ask you this: Have you refunded all the money you made from selling songs to the states that hold a different view to you? Have you asked those citizens not to buy your...