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Showing posts from 2008

Go away

Can all the 'experts' (Chris at 2thinknow excepted) pleas just piss off and keep your doom and gloom to yourself. You weren't around 6 months ago to warn us, so your 'predictions' now are just a crock of...

Being diminished

I can't recall ever having met, or knowing someone who has not been diminished by participating in the being of a Corporation. Even as people are promoted... they are criticised in some way. Some type of change is always required, from everyone. And what is perfectly acceptable (even admired) behaviour today, is out of favour tomorrow. It is especially evident when you separate from the organisation. Those who are diminished the most often take the lead in unraveling your legacy. Who is there that has never hand 'an issue' to deal with? No one, methinks.

Not for customers

Not approved for use on customers. Apparently approved for interrogation by US government. Yelling at detainee Deception: multiple interrogators Deception: Interrogator is from country with reputation for harsh treatment of detainees; “False Flag” Incentive or removal of incentive Playing on a detainee’s love for a particular group Playing on a detainee’s hate for a particular group Significantly/ or moderately increasing fear level of detainee Reducing fear level of detainee Boosting the ego of detainee Insulting the ego of detainee, not beyond the limits that would apply to a POW Invoking feelings of .... Rest of the list here

Universal Truth #314

Be secure in the knowledge that all humans have insecurity in common. The two biggest money-making sectors on the internet (porn and self-help) tap into this limitless pool of opportunity. (And any business model that does this, will succeed.)

2 Percent chance of success

Commentators often talk about the ‘2- percenters’ - that is doing those things that are tough, have a low probability of success and yet goes to show an attitude of perseverance and commitment to the small details other people will overlook. (It is often used as a sporting analogy to illustrate the point (for instance) that you still chase down an opponent even if they have already crossed the line because the pressure may just result in a drop ball.) This analogy is misleading because it focuses on the 99 th and 100 th steps in the percentage of effort. True success comes from the 101 st and 102 nd percentage points of effort. Sprint athletes are told to finish ‘through the line’ and martial arts experts will tell you that you get hurt when you stop the momentum of your blow on impact; you must hit through the brick to break it. This is not the proverbial ‘extra mile’ that you must walk – which is merely an optional, nice touch. That would be gesture to differentiate yourself ...

Powerlaws of the Blogosphere

90% of Bloggers rehash what the other 10% generate 80% of Content is produced individuals and 20% by corporations pretending to be individual 70% of the traffic is made up by 30% of the surfers 60% of blogs are opinion pieces and 40% is mashed up 'findings' 50% of Bloggers are trying to monetize and the other 50% are pretending they don't want to 40% of Bloogers can spell and 60% can't (;-) 30% of comments are genuine and 70% are designed to direct eyeballs to their own site 20% of Bloggers know what they are writing about and 80% write about a niche they think they can own 10% of blog headlines describe the topic and 90% are designed to misdirect traffic to the site

USP is Dead

USP = Unique selling Proposition. It should have died a long time ago, because it inflates the importance of what you are selling, instead of what you are buying. Long live the UBP. UBP = Unique Buying Proposition

iPod is dying

If the internet is ubiquitous and the content is hence 'everywhere'; can someone explain why there is a need for an iPOD to store music? Surely you only need a device to access this perpetual inventory on-demand? I am sure people will get over the need to 'own' the music if you can play it anytime anywhere anyway. Is that a new business model that will save music? That is: Originators or publishers can own the content on a server and distribute free iPOD-like devices and charge a fraction of a cent every time the song is played. Kinda like mobile phones without the plan.


Differentiation isn't all it is cracked up to be. Differentiation only makes you different. Not better. Not preferable. Not successful. Differentiation may get you noticed, but it does not make you loved.

Homogeneity is Mediocrity

Societies that are homogeneous will tend to mediocrity. Conversely, the tensions caused by differences between groups of people in multicultural societies, is the force for growth and improvement. Ergo: multiculturalism might be the tough option, but it is the good option.

Twitter is the tipping point

Twitter is going to to prove to be the tipping point... People will realise that social networks are only good - up to a point. All the conversation about conversation is the sure sign that the internet is eating its own tail. There is only so much information that is necessary to function. There are only so many people you need to stay connected to. The depth (and ubiquity) of the connection does not have to be as deep as possible. People can only function if they have some space and some 'disconnect'. It used to be called freedom. RIP Twitter (and cousins).

Google is dying

Google is dying. Right now it seems invincible. But like all good things, it too must end. Competitors can't see the weakness in their their game plan (just yet) - but it is there; trust me. And sooner or later, it will fail to see the NBT - and then the next Google arrives. Such is the cycle of life - and business.

What the heck...

I thought I would shut this down. But since my official blog is pretty dry affair with lots of tips and hints on business/ retail productivity - I find that I miss the opportunity for the occasional rant. I think I will come back here from time to time. For no, this insight: Ignorance + Arrogance = Toxic workplace culture.